Monday, June 21, 2010

Title: When Lanes Merge
Chinese Title: 情越双白线 (Ching Yuet Seung Baak Sin)
Cast: Kent Cheng, Raymond Wong Ho Yin, Kate Tsui, Sonija Kwok, Lee Heung Kam, Raymond Cho, Elaine Yiu, Chan Chin Pang
Episodes: 20
Airing date: 28 June 2010 (after The Mysteries of Love)


Rushing along the road every day with a vibrant mix of passengers of all kinds, what taxi drivers see and hear is far more varied than one can ever imagine. Retired taxi driver HO KAU (Kent Cheng) returns to the job after his son HO KA-PO (Raymond Wong) is convicted of causing death by dangerous driving. The incident has exacerbated the already fractious relationship between the father and the son. PO works for KAU after his release from prison. Before long, he has another serious road accident, in which KAU is also involved and severely injured, both mentally and physically. PO feels so guilty towards his father and comes to understand the importance of careful driving. He maintains a high degree of vigilance while driving but still gets picked on constantly by female traffic police officer KO LAI-SAM (Kate Tsui). As time goes by, the pair have gradually developed a strong attachment to each other and finally become lovers. But PO’s ex-girlfriend CHEUNG HIU-MAN (Sonija Kwok) and SAM’s grandmother KO LI SHUK-CHING (Lee Heung Kam) turn out to be the biggest obstacle to their relationship, leaving the pair stranded in dismay along the tunnel of love…

的士司机每天在马路上兜兜转转,见闻识广,接载的乘客千奇百怪,祸 福难料。退休司机何球(郑则士)因儿子何加宝(黄浩然)危险驾驶导致他人死亡,被迫重操故业,令冷淡的父子关係更趋恶劣。加宝受刑出狱後替父亲开工,的士 失事撞毁,父亲刚好坐在车上,意外令他的精神及身体严重受创,加宝内疚不已,才开始明白小心驾车的重要性,从此加宝每逢开工都份外谨慎,但总会遇上交通女 警高丽芯(徐子珊)来找碴,二人从误解到了解,遂成为情侣关係,但加宝的旧情人张晓雯(郭羡妮)和丽芯的祖母高李淑贞(李香琴)都成了他们的障碍,令二人 在感情路上徘徘徊徊……

English Title: A Pillowcase of Mystery II
Chinese Title: 施公奇案II (Si Gung Kei On 2)

Cast: 欧阳震华 Bobby Au Yeung Chun Wah , 宣 萱 Hsuan Jessica Hester , 李思捷 Johnson Lee Sze Chit , 唐 宁 Leila Tong , 陈山聪 Joel Chan Shan Chung , 刘玉翠 Lau Yuk Chui , 刘家辉 Lau Kar Fai , 姚莹莹 Eileen Yeow
Episodes: 21
Airing date: 12 July 2010 (After Ghost Writer)

After a radical change in life, SZE SAI-LUN (Bobby Au Yeung) becomes dispirited with the political world and spends most of his time travelling around in search of fun. Along the way, he meets a spirit medium, NG KWAN-YAU (Jessica Hsuan), who somehow gets caught up in a mysterious murder case. It is not LUN’s intention to intervene at first, but with the fortuitous assistance from the pillow spirit NGAU TAI-LIK (Johnson Lee ), he can finally crack the case and prove YAU’s innocence. LUN has his confidence back and pledges to continue his fight for justice. As time progresses, LUN and YAU get to know each other better and gradually fall in love. LUN finally decides to get over the past and marry the girl. He enjoys his married life so much but gets frustrated at work sometimes – LIK’s power turns out not to be as strong as expected, which ends up with a lot of misleading clues being given. Amidst the various challenges of his new life, LUN realizes that YAU seems to have something to hide and that there is a malicious plot behind their marriage. Knowing that the couple have fallen out, LUN’s mother has found him a new wife, LUK SIU-TIP (Leila Tong). Out of the blue, TIP has also come with ill intentions. LUN is plunged into a complex web of intrigue and things seem to be getting on top of him…

施世纶(欧阳震华)经历巨变後对官场意兴阑珊,到处遊山玩水,途中邂逅灵媒吴君柔(宣萱)并捲入了一宗离奇命案,世纶本无心查案,但无意间得一枕仙牛大力 (李思捷)出现相助,终为君柔洗脱罪名,让他重拾意志及信心,继续为民请命。当世纶与君柔日久生情,他决定走出伤痛娶君柔为妻,新婚生活令他得意忘形,差 事却令他啼笑皆非,因为原来枕仙的法力只有半桶水,令世纶查案经常捉错用神,误会好人,闹至笑话连篇。当世纶正享受新生活的种种考验时,却发现君柔行径古 怪,下嫁自己原来另有所图,二人遂反目成仇,母亲大人因而安排世纶再娶陆小蝶(唐宁)为妾,谁料小蝶同样心怀不轨,内情错综複杂,令英明一世的世纶疲於奔 命……。

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ghost Writer 蒲松龄

Title: Ghost Writer 蒲松龄
Cast: Steven Ma (馬浚偉), Sunny Chan Kam Hung (陳錦鴻) , Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) Fala Chen (陳法拉), Ngo Wah (岳 華) , Chan Sau Chu (陳秀珠) , Lau Tan (劉 丹) , Chu Wai Man (朱慧敏)
Episodes: 25
Airring date: 7 June 2010 (after Sisters of Pearl)
Producer: Leung Choi Yuen
Scriptwriter: Ng Siu Tong & Sit Ka Wah
Themesong: 心竅 – Steven Ma

PO CHUNG-LING (Steven Ma) was born in Jinan a family of New Year print. He is very bright, his father, PO POON (Ngo Wah), has therefore always hoped that he could one day carry on the family business. LING, mistakenly thinks that POON is working in collusion with some corrupt officials, refuses to listen to what his father says. His good friend, KO JIT (Sunny Chan), is a constable and he hates corrupt officials as much as LING does. Rumor has it that a fox spirit is creating troubles in Jinan. LING is almost killed when he is investigating into the matter with JIT. Fortunately, a mysterious girl named LING WU SIU-TSUI (Fala Chen) comes to his rescue in the nick of time. It turns out later that she is the fox spirit, and that she saves LING so as to return a past favor. As they spend more and more time together, TSUI starts to fall for LING.

The PO family has secured a large order of New Year print. To ensure the work can be finished in time they have to hire a large numbers of female workers. LAU SUM-YU (Linda Chung) applies for the job, but her real intention is to look for the man who was unfaithful to her sister, never knowing that she would later be caught in a love triangle with LING and JIT.

