Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Growing Through Life 摘星之旅

English Title: Growing Through Life
Chinese Title: 摘星之旅 (Jaak Sing Ji Lui)
Cast: Damian Lau Chung Yan 刘松仁 , Raymond Lam Fung林 峰 , Bosco Wong 黄宗泽,Cecilia Yip 叶 童 , Zhao Ziqi 赵子琪 , Toby Leung 梁靖琪 , Dominic Lam Ka Wah 林嘉华 , Lui Yau Wai吕有慧
Episodes: 30
Airing date: 9 August 2010 (After A Pillowcase of Mystery 2)


HOI SING (Raymond Lam) and his mother HO WAI-SUM (Lui Yau Wai) have been running a domestic appliance manufacturing factory. SING’s uncle HOI LEUNG (Damian Lau) is a money-minded snob who has been seeking to acquire the factory by whatever means. LEUNG’s wife CHENG MING-CHU (Cecilia Yip) and daughter HOI MEI-SZ (Toby Leung) try to intercede for SING and finally manages to convince the man to put the acquisition on hold.

Eager to covet the plant site, LEUNG places a spy FONG LAI-KING (Zhao Ziqi) in the factory to create havoc. To convince LEUNG give up on his acquisition plan, SUM reveals a long-kept secret. SING on the other hand invites his friend CHUNG LAM-TAI (Bosco Wong) to join his factory as an ally to the family business.

But who would have thought that TAI is a wolf in sheep’s clothing and SING gets betrayed by TAI. To top it off, his fiancée CHUK YIU-KWAN (Song Wen Fei) calls off their wedding. The cold reality eventually forces the lad to retaliate with fierce commercial strategies with his next of kin.

海星(林峰)与母亲何蕙心(吕有慧)合力经营家电厂,为人势利的叔父海亮(刘松仁)欲进行恶性收购,亮妻郑明珠(叶童)及女儿海美思(梁靖琪)为星求情,亮始答应暂缓收购计划,但他觊觎厂房的地皮,暗中安插方丽京(赵子琪)到工厂故意捣乱,蕙心为阻止海亮的收购战,向他揭露了一件惊人大秘密。海星为保家父产业,召来好友钟林大(黄宗泽)在海氏并肩作战,惜海星不知自己招来了一头嗜血成性的饿狼,他不单被林大出卖,未婚妻祝耀群(宋汶霏) 更突然取消婚约,最终,现实逼他在血亲之间展开幕幕商战厮杀……。

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