Monday, June 21, 2010

Title: When Lanes Merge
Chinese Title: 情越双白线 (Ching Yuet Seung Baak Sin)
Cast: Kent Cheng, Raymond Wong Ho Yin, Kate Tsui, Sonija Kwok, Lee Heung Kam, Raymond Cho, Elaine Yiu, Chan Chin Pang
Episodes: 20
Airing date: 28 June 2010 (after The Mysteries of Love)


Rushing along the road every day with a vibrant mix of passengers of all kinds, what taxi drivers see and hear is far more varied than one can ever imagine. Retired taxi driver HO KAU (Kent Cheng) returns to the job after his son HO KA-PO (Raymond Wong) is convicted of causing death by dangerous driving. The incident has exacerbated the already fractious relationship between the father and the son. PO works for KAU after his release from prison. Before long, he has another serious road accident, in which KAU is also involved and severely injured, both mentally and physically. PO feels so guilty towards his father and comes to understand the importance of careful driving. He maintains a high degree of vigilance while driving but still gets picked on constantly by female traffic police officer KO LAI-SAM (Kate Tsui). As time goes by, the pair have gradually developed a strong attachment to each other and finally become lovers. But PO’s ex-girlfriend CHEUNG HIU-MAN (Sonija Kwok) and SAM’s grandmother KO LI SHUK-CHING (Lee Heung Kam) turn out to be the biggest obstacle to their relationship, leaving the pair stranded in dismay along the tunnel of love…

的士司机每天在马路上兜兜转转,见闻识广,接载的乘客千奇百怪,祸 福难料。退休司机何球(郑则士)因儿子何加宝(黄浩然)危险驾驶导致他人死亡,被迫重操故业,令冷淡的父子关係更趋恶劣。加宝受刑出狱後替父亲开工,的士 失事撞毁,父亲刚好坐在车上,意外令他的精神及身体严重受创,加宝内疚不已,才开始明白小心驾车的重要性,从此加宝每逢开工都份外谨慎,但总会遇上交通女 警高丽芯(徐子珊)来找碴,二人从误解到了解,遂成为情侣关係,但加宝的旧情人张晓雯(郭羡妮)和丽芯的祖母高李淑贞(李香琴)都成了他们的障碍,令二人 在感情路上徘徘徊徊……

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