Monday, January 4, 2010

A Watchdog’s Tale 老友狗狗

Episodes: 20
Airring date (HK): 6th January 2010

Cast: Steven Ma (馬浚偉) , Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Kent Cheng Jut Si (鄭則士) Maggie Shiu Mei Ki (邵美琪) , Raymond Wong Ho Yin (黃浩然), Natalie Tong Sze Wing (唐詩詠) , Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Lee Kwok Lun (李國麟)


LAI CHUN SING (Kent Cheng) has been in the police force for 30 years, working in the front-line CID department for the first 5 years. During one investigation, his assistant police dog was saving a life, however he ended up exchanging his life and passed away. Struck by the death, SING decided to join the Police Dog Unit. In the 25 years, he advanced from a dog caretaker to an instructor and plans to use his retirement money to open a dog care center, allowing dog owners to bring their dogs for training and play.

SING's wife had died for several years and left him with an obedient daughter LAI SIN YUE (Linda Chung). YUE had been influenced by her father, loving animals like people and even studied to become a Veterinarian in Australia. After returning to HK, she worked in a veterinary clinic, spreading all the knowledge she knows about animal care to the public who has limited knowledge. Later she decides to join in with her father to work in the dog care center to do veterinary work.

HO TIN YAU (Raymond Wong) is SING's student, while CHOW YUNG KUNG (Steven Ma) is his older cousin. KUNG and YUE are a bickering pair. On the first meeting, Yue accidentally injured him and cause him embarrassment, therefore did not have a good impression on her. Later, after getting to know her, Kung began to have feelings for her and tried to pursue her. However, in Yue's eyes, he has no loving heart for dogs and even wanted to eat dog meat. To this, Yue rejected his love.

AOD Synopsis

A rich woman TSEUNG TIN NGOR (Maggie Shiu)’s beloved dog CANDY has got behaviour problems since NGOR is being kidnapped. After released, NGOR takes CANDY for various medical treatments but none of them is helpful to cure its illness. Desperate NGOR finally finds LAI TSUN SING (Kent Cheng), a retired police canine officer, who has just opened a kennel in the walled village. NGOR asks SING to give CANDY training but it creates discord between both of them. When CANDY’s condition is getting better and better, NGOR is pleased and shows deference toward SING. NGOR feels obscured of the kidnapping and she misconceives that the landlord of the kennel, CHOW YUNG KUNG (Steven Ma), is one of the kidnappers. SING gets his trained dog BINGO carrying out an investigation. They finally prove that KUNG is innocent. KUNG appreciates Sing’s efforts and he starts joining the course for learning how to be a dog lover. LAI SIN YUE (Linda Chung), SING’s veterinarian daughter, is aware of her feeling towards him since then.


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